Browsing through codes and laws, the pages give off a smell of old bookcases; a library steeped in soft light where the dominant fragrances are wood and knowledge.
Arte dei Giudici e Notai: (1212) Corporation which gave a very strong contribution to all the Guilds in view of the continuous need for Judges and Notaries in dealing with the considerable paperwork involved. Among the Notaries, a “Proconsul” was appointed, the highest authority recognized by all the Guilds.
Recommended for: study and day area
- Made in Italy
- Olfaktorische familie: holzige, orientalisch
- Kopfnote: Orange, Bergamotte, Echte Jasmin
- Herznote: Patschuli, Ingwerwurzel, Rose
- Basisnote: Kaschmirholz, Zedernholz, Weißer Moos
- Neu mit Designerverpackung
ID FRMODA: | 00022012006405 |
ID Designer: | 630 |
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