The handbag, declined in multiple ways, has become a must-have fashion accessory for all the stylish women out there. Originally derived from the English name “tote”, meaning “to carry”, it has become the most coveted bag that blends practicality, design and the highest fashion, reflecting your unique sense of style. Elevate your evenings with the renowned Sicily handbag by Dolce&Gabbana. Explore our curated selection of stylish and functional handbags, comfortable enough to have everything you need right at your disposal: pick up yours among the most refined clutches and pouches designed for her, or opt for casual versions with bucket bags and shoppers for your leisure time. Indulge into our edit of women’s designer handbags and get to know designers like Versace Jeans Couture, Moschino, Chloé, Salvatore Ferragamo, Givenchy and many more high-end fashion labels on our Luxury Shopping Online.