As a child, Yves Coueslant, one of diptyque’s founders, spent his summers in Do Son, in Along Bay. The sea breeze carried with it the heady, spicy scent of tuberoses. Do Son has the delicateness and persistence of a memory from a childhood in Indochina - a memory of flowers in all their sensual delight.
- Made in Francia
- Familia olfativa: floral
- Notas de cabeza: Flores naranjas, Iris, Rosa
- Notas de corazón: Rosa pimienta, Nardo
- Notas de fondo: Benjuí, Almizcle
- Nuevo con embalaje de diseñador
- PAO: 36M
ID FRMODA: | 00026089004303 |
ID Designer: | 0DIPEDP75DOSON |